vehicle ownership transfer chennai order booking

How do you transfer car ownership in Chennai ?

Ans : Following are the steps for transfer of ownership of the car in Chennai :

  • Take the printout of form 29 & 30 and get the signature of seller and buyer on it .
  • Arrange supporting documents like RC, insurance, PUC, address proof etc.
  • Deposit requisite Govt. fees for transfer of ownership at concerned RTO  
  • Submit the application form along  with supporting documents and fees deposit receipt
  • Process completion will take approx. 15 days time.
  • After completion of the process , collect the physical copy of RC from the RTO. 

I have purchased a used car in Chennai. Its registered in Coimbatore. I live in Ambattur.  Do I need NOC from Coimbatore RTO for this ?

Ans : To transfer ownership of  car in Chennai  which is originally registered in Coimbatore, NOC from Coimbatore RTO is required in the name of buyer .  

I want to sell my bike. Its Chennai registered and there was hypothecation on it. Do I need to cancel HP before selling bike ?

Ans : Technically HP has to be removed from RC  before transfer of ownership of bike. However, process for HP termination and transfer of ownership can be done together. So, just get the loan closure letter and NOC from bank required for HP termination. Submit these papers along with ownership transfer documents to the RTO.  

Do sellers presence is required in Chennai RTO for the transfer of car ?

Ans : Requirement of physical presence of seller varies from RTO to RTO. In some RTO physical presence of seller and vehicle inspection is required. In some RTOs it is not required. For exact information on this you need to contact concerned RTO. However physical presence is required in all the cases where there is signature mismatch of the seller with the signature sample in the RTO record.

What is the procedure to transfer ownership of vehicle in case of death of registered owner ? Also what is the rule regarding nominee in RC ?

 Ans : The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has made a few changes to the central motor vehicle rules of 1989 to make it easier for people who want to nominate a person in their vehicle registration certificate.

Before the new amendment took place, transferring a car to a nominee in the event of the death of the registered owner of a vehicle requires complying with a cumbersome procedures and frequent visits to different offices. The process was not uniform across the country.

When the owner of a motor vehicle dies, the person nominated on the registration certificate by the deceased or the person who succeeds to the ownership of the car can use the vehicle as his or her own for three months after the owner's death. For this, the individual must notify the registering authorities of the owner's death within 30 days of the death's occurrence.

Further, to transfer the vehicle in his or her name, the nominee will have to apply in form 31 within the period of three months from the death of the owner of the motor vehicle.

In case where the owner wants to change the nominee of the motor vehicle in case of contingencies like divorce or division of property, she/he may change the nomination.

If the vehicle was stolen and owner took the claim from insurance company, can insurance company sell the vehicle directly to some other person without transfer in the name of insurance company?

Ans: No, if the vehicle not recovered by police authority and insurance company paid the claim to the vehicle owner then insurance company must transfer the vehicle in the name of insurance company first. The insurance company can sell it to open market after this.   

If the vehicle sold to some person and the purchaser of vehicle is not transferring in his name then who will be responsible for any incident happened by the vehicle?

Ans : If, the vehicle is transfer then all the liabilities / action will be frame against the vehicle owner, which record is showing in the govt. record.

Can RC transfer be done online in Chennai ?

Ans : Process for RC transfer in Chennai is not online completely . Application can be filled online. Fees can be paid online . However physical submission of application forms and supporting documents is required at Chennai RTO.

Following are the steps for RC transfer in Chennai : 

  • Visit the official website of parivahan: 
  • Select ‘Vehicle related Services’
  • Select ‘State’ and input the ‘RTO number’, then click ‘Proceed’
  • Select ‘Apply for Transfer of Ownership, Change of Address, Hypothecation [Addition/Continuation/Termination], Duplicate RC)’
  • Enter your vehicle details as a Vehicle Registration No. and the last five characters of chassis number
  • Fill up the application detail carefully
  • Deposit Requisite RTO fees online
  • Take print of form 29, form 30 & RTO fees receipt
  • Submit signed application forms along with supporting documents to the concerned RTO.
  • Application will be scrutanized and processed
  • You will get new RC in the name of buyer after one month ​

​Is Digilocker RC valid for vehicle transfer in Chennai ?

Ans : Original RC is required for RC transfer in Chennai. Digilocker RC is not valid for vehicle ownership transfer. If you have lost original RC , then you should apply for duplicate RC first. 

What if RC is not transferred?

Ans : RC not transferring after sell/ buy is an offence as per motor vehicle act. The application for ownership transfer of vehicle should be submitted in the RTO within 30 days from the date of sell/ purchase. Seller may be held responsible for any crime, challan related to that vehicle. So, its in the interest of seller to process RC transfer in the RTO immediately after the sell of vehicle.

If the buyer intentionally doesn't  proceed to RC transfer in his name, seller can give written complain to the concerned RTO. RTO in such case blacklist that vehicle. Seller by doing so becomes liability free from any offence occurred in the future.   

Is local address proof mandatory for RC transfer in Chennai? If yes, what are the documents acceptable as address proof?

Ans : Local address proof is mandatory for RC transfer in Chennai.

The documents which are acceptable as address proof for RC transfer in Chennai are :

  • Aadhar card
  • ​Passport
  • Voter Id card
  • Electricity bill
  • Telephone bill
  • Water bill
  • Bank passbook
  • Gas connection

I have purchased a used car. Insurance of it has been expired. I am buying new insurance for RC transfer purpose. Insurance should be in the name of seller or buyer ?

Ans : For RC transfer valid insurance is required. It can be either in the name of seller or buyer , doesn't matter. However if you buy it in the name of seller later you will have to apply for insurance transfer in your name . Also if insurance is in the name of seller, you will not get claim for insurance in case of accident. So to avoid these complications its advisable to buy insurance in the name of new owner.

How easy it is to transfer the ownership in Chennai of two wheeler vehicle from other state ?

Ans : Vehicle NOC is required for RC transfer of bike in Chennai if hike is registered in other state. Transferring  ownership in Chennai of two wheeler vehicle from different state has two stage process :

  • NOC of bike from Parent RTO
  • Re-registration and ownership transfer in Chennai


Can I track my RC transfer status with Itzeazy ?
Ans : Yes, Itzeazy offers real-time updates on your RC transfer status.
You’ll receive regular notifications via email, SMS and WhatsApp, keeping you informed every step of the RC transfer process.

​I already submitted my RC transfer application, but it’s stuck. Can Itzeazy help?

Ans : Yes Itzeazy can help in this scenario.

  • If your RC transfer is delayed, Itzeazy tracks the application and resolves any pending issues with the RTO.
  • Our team ensures the process moves forward smoothly by addressing documentation errors or additional requirements.

I am buying a used car which is BH registration number. What is the procedure for RC transfer of BH registration number plate car ?

Ans : Unfortunately there is no procedure defined for RC transfer of BH registration number plate vehicles in the RTO. So its advisable not to buy a car which is having BH registration number plate.

Can I buy a used car from another state?

Ans : Yes, you can buy used car from another state. Following steps you will have to follow to get the RC transfer in your name :

  • NOC for car from the RTO where car is originally registered
  • Re-registration of car and ownership change in your RTO

Can I sell my car without clearing loan?

Ans : No, you can not sell car without clearing loan. If you car is under hypothecation then first you will have to clear loan and remove hypothecation in the RTO. While selling car its necessary to clear all the liabilities you have such as loan, chalan, road tax due etc. Without clearing these its not possible to transfer RC in the new owner name.


vehicle ownership transfer chennai order booking
vehicle ownership transfer chennai faq

To book order or for any query or concern please speak to one of the consultants over phone or chat. You can also write to us. We will get back to you. 

Name Transfer of vehicle in Chennai

Are you applying for RC name transfer in Chennai ? Now name transfer of vehicle in Chennai can be done sitting at your home . Itzeazy has door step service  for online transfer of vehicle ownership in Chennai.  Vehicle name transfer in Chennai is required in case you have sold/purchased a vehicle in Chennai. As per motor vehicle act its mandatory to transfer ownership of vehicle in case of sell/ purchase . The vehicle transfer documents should be submitted to the RTO within 30 days of the actual sell/purchase . Failing this there is late fine on per month basis.

Itzeazy makes RC Transfer process faster

The process of Transfer of vehicle ownership is simple and easy and all you need to know is, what is the process for RC transfer and documents required for RC transfer.


How to apply for vehicle ownership transfer in Chennai

Following is the process for RC transfer in Chennai :

  • Download forms 29 and 30 
  • Make sure you have the signatures of both the buyers and sellers on the forms.
  • Request a NOC from the bank if the vehicle was financed or was under hypothecation
  • Clear traffic challan if there is any
  • Get a NOC from the company in case seller is a company
  • Request a clearance certificate by the parent RTO in case its car and buyer's address is in a different RTO area
  • Submit the application for  vehicle ownership change , along with additional documents to the RTO
  • Deposit requisite RTO fees at RTO
  • Receive the RTO receipt from the RTO office after submitting required documents.
  • Check with the RTO to get the latest status
  • Take the new RC after the transfer has been completed. 

Approximate time required  - 30 days

RTO visit required                    - No


Following are the documents required  for RC transfer in Chennai

  • Original  RC
  • Dully filled Form no.29
  • Dully filled Form no.30
  • Copy of valid insurance
  • Copy of valid pollution under control certificate
  • Copy of Residential Certificate (voter card/ passport/ telephone/electricity bill/ ration card) etc. attach any  two  
  •  attested copies.
  • Crime  Report of N.C.R.B.

where to submit application for RC transfer in Chennai

​Following are the RTO in Chennai . For submission of the documents first stage is to ascertain in which RTO vehicle is registered :

  • TN01 - Ayanavaram RTO
  • TN02 - Anna Nagar RTO
  • TN03 - Tondiarpet RTO
  • TN04 - Pulianthoppu RTO
  • ​TN05 - Vyasarpadi RTO 
  • ​TN06 - Mandaveli RTO 
  • TN07 - Thiruvanmiyur RTO 
  • TN09 - K.K. Nagar RTO 
  • TN10 - Valasarawakkam RTO 
  • ​TN11 - Tambaram RTO
  • ​​TN13 - Ambattur RTO 
  • TN22 - Alandur RTO

For more information on RTO , its address & process please visit


Following are the steps involved in the process for transfer of vehicle ownership in Chennai

  • Requirement understanding of the client by Itzeazy
  • Sharing of list of documents required for vehicle ownership change
  • Verification of the soft copies of the documents 
  • Collection of the physical copies of the document from customer's place
  • Advance payment of service charge by the client
  • Document submitted to the concerned RTO
  • Work completion and dispatch of RC
vehicle ownership transfer chennai order

​​Why to Choose Itzeazy 

🏍️  Faster processing - We make the RC Transfer process faster
🏍️  Guaranteed service - Get guarantee success with our consultants
🏍️  No hidden cost - Transparent pricing
🏍️  Accurate guidance - We have the knowledge and experience to make the process smooth and stress-free
🏍️  Our presence - Apply for services from anywhere in India, always open for you
🏍️  Door step service - Document pickup & drop from the convenience of your home
🏍️  Safety & Confidentiality - Your privacy is out utmost priority 


Transferring of the ownership signify shifting the vehicle owner’s name from seller's name to the buyer’s name. Transfer of ownership of vehicle is compulsory under Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. This transfer is divided into three categories as discussed below:​

Transfer of ownership in case of normal sell

  • This is when vehicle is sold, RC is transferred in the name of buyer. 

Transfer of ownership on death of owner of the vehicle

  • This is When the registered owner of a vehicle dies, then transfer of ownership is done in favor of the legal heirs of the deceased registered owner. 

Transfer of ownership of vehicle purchased in public auction

  • When a vehicle is sold in public auction, then vehicle ownership transfer is done in the name of purchaser.​


RC transfer process can vary depending on the scenario seller and buyer live in the same state or different state.

RC transfer within same state

Application for ownership transfer of vehicle can be submitted either to the RTO where vehicle is registered or to the RTO where buyer lives

If there is loan on vehicle , first HP termination has to be done in the parent RTO. After HP termination transfer of vehicle ownership application can be submitted to either the parent RTO or to the RTO where buyer lives


Inter state transfer of vehicle ownership ( Other state to Chennai )

If you are buying a vehicle which is registered in other state and you want to transfer it in your name in Chennai, following steps will be involved :

  • NOC for vehicle transfer from other state to Chennai
  • ​Re-registration of vehicle in Chennai & road tax payment
  • RC transfer in Chennai in your name

Inter state transfer of vehicle ownership ( Chennai to other state )

If you are buying a vehicle which is registered in Chennai and you want to transfer it in your name in other state, following steps will be involved :

  • NOC for vehicle transfer from Chennai to other state 
  • ​Re-registration of vehicle in other state & road tax payment
  • RC transfer in your name 

There is late fine in case you fail to submit documents within 30 days. 

The late fine is :

Car - Rs. 500/ month

Bike - Rs. 300/ month   

Itzeazy provides service for transfer of vehicle ownership in all RTOs of  Chennai and major cities of India . Its door - step and hassle free service . We are experienced team of RTO consultants capable of handling all kinds of complex cases . We have SLA driven quality service .

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